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Erschiessung eines jungen Turkmenen in Turkmensahra

An das

Petitions Team
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland


Köln, den 11. Apr. 2005


Betr.: Erschiessung eines jungen Turkmenen in Turkmensahra, am 16. 03. 2005



Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

die Islamisch-Iranische Republik versucht seit über 20 Jahren Minderheiten wie die Turkmenen zu assimilieren. So werden turkmenische Stadt- und Dorfnamen systematisch geändert. Turkmenische Eltern werden gezwungen, die turkmenischen Namen ihrer Kinder durch persisch-arabische Namen zu ersetzen. Des weiteren wird mit allen Mitteln versucht, sunnitische Turkmenen zum schiitischen Glauben zu drängen.


Die turkmenenfeindliche Politik der Islamischen Republik erreichte einen neuerlichen Höhepunkt am 16. März 2005, als ein 21 Jahre alter Turkmene von einem Sicherheitsbeamten erschossen wurde. Das Opfer, Halimgholi Watanpoor-Kem, hatte angeblich vor, im Kaspischen Meer Fische zu fangen. Nach ungeschriebenen Gesetzen der Islamisehen Republik darf, wer auf frischer Tat beim illegalen Fischfang erwischt wird, erschossen werden! Infolge dieser „Gesetzeslage“ werden alle paar Monate junge Turkmenen erschossen, weil von der massenhaften Arbeitslosigkeit an erster Stelle Jugendliche betroffen sind.


Halimgoli Watanpoor-Kem gehörte auch zu diesen arbeitslosen jungen Leuten.  Er versorgte die fünfköpfige Familie (außer ihm zwei Geschwister und die alten Eltern) durch gelegentliche Fischerei. Als er von dem Sicherheitsbeamten erschossen wurde,  war er noch nicht einmal beim Fischen, sondern beim Überqueren des Kanals zum Meer. Seine Erschießung war kaltblütiger vorsätzlicher Mord. 


Die Islamische Republik ist bekanntlich kein rechtstaatlicher Staat. Solange international anerkannte Menschenrechtsorganisationen wie die Commission for Human Rights der United Nations, Amnesty International und andere dieses Regime nicht abmahnen und die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte, v.a. die Respektierung des menschlichen Lebens einfordern,  wird dieses Regime seine menschenverachtende Politik, die sich gegen die Turkmenen und andere Minderheiten in Iran wendet, fortsetzen.


Wir bitten Sie daher, die minderheitenfeindliche Politik dieses Regimes und die Erschiessung von Halimgholi Watanpoor-Kem als Angehörigem der turkmenischen Minderheit zu verurteilen.


Organisation zur Unterstützung der nationalen Rechte des turkmenischen Volkes

Jouma Bouresh



Anlage: Anzeige der Eltern von Halimgholi Watanpoor-Kem gegen den Mörder ihres Sohnes



Amnesty International
Sektion der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.
53108 Bonn
Subject: Shooting (execution) of a young Turkmenian in Turkmensahra, 16.03. 2005
Dear Sirs,
it is more than 20 years that the Islamic Republic of Iran tries to assimilate its minorities like the Turkmenian people. Turkmenian names of cities and villages are systematically transformed. Turkmenian parents are forced to change the Turkmenian names of their children into Persian and Arab names. By many means it is tried to force Sunni Turkmenians to transform their religion and become Shia.
This aggressive policy of the Islamic Republic against Turkmenians reached a new peak on 16th of March 2005, when a 21 year old Turkmenian was shot by an officer of the Security Service. The victim, Halimgholi Watanpoor-Kem, was sayed to plan fishing in the Caspian Sea. By unwritten laws of the Islamic Republic it is permitted to shoot persons who are “catched in the very act” with illegal fishing! Because of this system of laws young Turkmenians are shot all some months as a result of the enormous unemployment with impact mainly on the youth.
Halimgholi Watanpoor-Kem also belonged to these unemployed young people. By occasional fishing he was the bread-winner for his family ofd five persons (besides of him two other children and the old parents). When he was shot by the Security Service he was not even fishing but passing by a channel leading to the Caspian Sea. The shooting of this young person was coldblooded and intentional murder.
It is known that the Islamic Republic does not fulfil the criteria of a constitutional state. As long as internationally known and respected organisations for human rights such as the  Commission for the Human Rights at the United Nations, Amnesty International and others do not admonish this regime and demand for keeping the human rights, especially for respecting the right to exist, this regime will continue its politics dispising of mankind and turned against Turkmenians and the other minorities in Iran.
We ask you to condemn the politics of this regime which is hostile to its minorities and condemn officially the shooting of Halimgholi Watanpoor-Kem as part of the Turkmenian minority.
Organisation for the support of the national rights of the Turkmenian people
Jouma Bouresh, Chairperson
Notification of the murderer of Halimgholi Watanpoor-Kem by his parents
In the name of Allah
To the President of the Juridic of Iran, Ayatollah Shahroodi
Notifier: Victim’s Father: Hamidgholi Watanpoor-Kem
               Victim’s Mother: Golna Marandi
Notified committer: Aliasghar Bazrafshan
Aliasghar Bazrafshan, officer of the Security Service, by misusing the laws has shot our 21 year old son, Halimgholi Watanpoor-Kem, in the north of  the city of Gomishan. Our son was the only bread-winner to keep our family with five persons alive.
Where is it written in the law that officers of the security service are authorized to shoot human beings, who have not yet reached the coast for fishing, to say nothing of been catched in the act?
Does Sharia say, that the live of fishes is worth more than the live of a human being belonging to a minority?
Where is written, that a human being because of supposed eventual fishing is to be treated and shot like a gangster dangerous to the public?
The time has come to take measures against the massive unemployment in our village of  Kellepos in order to stop that young people like our son are shot because of socalled illegal fishing.
Our son was the only one to support our family.
We kindly ask you to research this incident thoroughly.
With all respect
Hamidgholi Watanpoor-Kem
Golna Marandi
Kellepos, 20 March 2005

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